Monday, February 23, 2015

Birthday Weekend- not mine

Yes, I know,... it's not my birthday, but my oldest daughter is turning 31 on Monday (today)...

I did these this week. Pretty pleased, because it uses up almost to the last page of my journal. I'll have to buy another one or use the 3" square papers I have.

"Hidden in the Sails"

"Side a Beef"

"Taking a Walk"

"Fashion Statement" or "Cloaked"

"Blow Hard"
Although I have a new pattern (to me) in it, NuWave, I'm thinking the name of this one should be "Hanging  Around".... Although it's looking like "Origami".
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1 comment:

  1. Wow! For a couple of reasons. These are great and you did them all in one week!!! It would take me a week to get even half that number done.
