Monday, February 23, 2015

Birthday Weekend- not mine

Yes, I know,... it's not my birthday, but my oldest daughter is turning 31 on Monday (today)...

I did these this week. Pretty pleased, because it uses up almost to the last page of my journal. I'll have to buy another one or use the 3" square papers I have.

"Hidden in the Sails"

"Side a Beef"

"Taking a Walk"

"Fashion Statement" or "Cloaked"

"Blow Hard"
Although I have a new pattern (to me) in it, NuWave, I'm thinking the name of this one should be "Hanging  Around".... Although it's looking like "Origami".
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It's new to me- Challenge- Week 8

This was a challenge to use a tangle with the letter N... I chose to use the pattern, NuWave. It's the black and white wave at the top.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

It's new to Me Challange, -week7- letter S

Okay.... There is a story to this one.

I started out checking out the patterns for an 's' tangle and I found one that I love... scrolled feathers. the perfect amount of swirl to it. (my style). My mistake is that I went into the other room and watched a movie as I did my ZIA, and I realized that the scrolled feathers weren't coming out like I thought and I REALLY didn't want to get off the couch and 'check out' the actual pattern, so I 'fudged' it.

Since I knew I did it wrong, I added something to make it into something else... you know the routine... and I think I designed an original one. I'm calling it ICU (I see you), since it looks like amoebas with eyes and antenaes on them.  Scrolled feathers is on the far left topside. My ICU falls along the right side...

Saturday, February 14, 2015

It's new to me Challenge - week 6 letter W

Here is my tile for this week's challenge, Named "Worms in the walls"... using Whirlee, wormholz, between, and phicops.

Some for February 14th

This one I found in my piles of sketches.... glad I found it on Valentine's Day!
 This is the second black Zendala tile I've done, like it much better than first (you'll have to scroll through posts to see that one). Actually, I have this one upside down, but I like it that way....

 I think this was the original way it should be, since I signed it this way.... Haven't named it yet.
"Jellyfish Playground"
 This is the next string I'm playing with.... like it so far.

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Weekend wanderings

Just doing a few this weekend, since I had the time.... These first three are done.

Haven't shaded this one yet.... will change it when I do.


Then I decided to play with some (not done yet) and post the next few strings I will work with.
String 1

String 2

String 3

Monday, February 2, 2015

Feb...moved by a snow/sleet storm

"The Quarry"
This one I did while watching the storm news. I put the snow flakes in the sky...but put balls of sleet on them (not intentional).  The part that I thought would turn into a web, turned into construction barrels. The stone wall that I stacked on the lower right got more industrialized as I shaded it.

I haven't even finished this one below, but it looks like a whale breaching at this point. I put the rain tangles in there, as it was turning to sleet outside the window during this storm. The "river' under the leaf now makes me think of a whale.... Boy, I love how tangling twists and turns. Starts out with nothing in mind, then turns into something completely else. ...Love it!

Now it's finished!

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Week 5 Challenge-the letter M

Here is the newest ZIA from our "It's New to Me" challenge, with the letter M

This week's design has the pattern "Miander" running along the bottom right corner and through the middle.I did a variation on the bottom corner ones, but it's a nice filler!

This is now with some shading.... not done yet, but almost.

Last of January's tangles...

Trying out some new tangles...'widgets'...
Tornado Alley

still in the works

Adapted from earlier 'test run'