Sunday, January 11, 2015

Suzy Mosh Creations Challenge- Week 2- letter C

For anyone wanting to take part in the "New to Me' challenge, check out Suzy's link...

Suzy Mosh's "It's new to me" challenge

I'll be creating and posting my ZIA when I check out what new ":C" to use...This is the start of it. The tangles that's new to me is the "C-scape" variation (border)

Finally got it done...I'm calling it "The Hive"
The Hive


  1. I can see the hive--bees out in the field, right? Great drawing! Thanks for taking part in the challenge!

  2. Very beautiful tile :-) Looks so nice with all the details on it!

  3. yes! I does look like a beehive in a tree! great job! excellent use of C-scape. That's one I want to play with some more.
